Nicholas DiGenova -Pygmy Behemoth
ink and watercolour on paper, 2016, 10” x 10”
Drawing on the influence of anime, comic books, Otaku culture, and animal compendiums, the work of Nicholas Di Genova features an encyclopedic range of constructed creatures ranging from soft and nurturing to calculating and military. A vast and intense fabricated history acts as a backdrop to the hundreds of interconnected species, families and rival clans that find themselves projecting their habits, relations and environments to their viewers. Working with ink and animation paints, Di Genova's paintings on mylar highlight his skill with line and his ability to manipulate colour. Always intense and intricately executed, Di Genova's work rivals the quality of any fine art painter while firmly establishing itself on the fringes of contemporary art. The work brings together knowledge of art and design and samples from both fields, resulting in incredible visual and technical impact and an astonishing strong conceptual core which receives respect from both camps, a dichotomy often severely split.
Nicholas DI Genova has garnered all levels of press in Canada, featuring reviews in Canadian Art Magazine, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, numerous online forums, NOW Magazine and EYE Magazine. Nicholas Di Genova is represented in Toronto by LE gallery, in New York by Fredericks Freiser Gallery and has been featured in New York's Armory Show and in Future Species, curated by David Liss at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art. Di Genova has been included in exhibitions in New York, Singapore, London and Berlin and appears in publications from Austria, Australia, Canada, Germany, and the United States.

mixed media, 2014

mixed media, 2014

watercolour on paper, 2015, 10x10

watercolour on paper, 2015, 10x10

ink on paper, 2015, 10x12

ink on paper, 2015, 14x14

ink on paper, 2015, 14x14

ink and watercolour on paper, 2014, 27x24

ink and watercolour on paper, 2014, 24x34

ink and animation paint on mylar. 24” x 24”. 2011

ink on paper, 2009, 23x18

ink and animation paint on mylar. 17” x 15”. 2006

watercolour on paper, 10x10, 2016

ink on paper, 32x26, 2009

ink and animation paint on mylar, 11x15, 2006

ink on paper, 11x17, 2011

ink on paper, 11x16, 2010

Nicholas Di Genova - Siamese Chicken Hounds,
Ink and animation paint on paper, 2006
Solo Exhibitions
2014: "Ultima", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2011: "Preemptive Evolution", Dukan et Hourdequin Gallery, Paris, France
2010: "Chimera", Fredericks and Freiser Gallery, New York, NY
2008: "Die Young", ID Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2007: "Birds are Terrifying Creatures", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2006: "Death From Below", Fredericks and Freis, New York, NY
2005: "Due West of the Happy-Lake Hills", LE Gallery, Toronto,
2004: "At the Water's Edge", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
Two-Person Exhibitions
2005: "Contemporary Drawing" Gallery 500, Portland, OR
2005: "Nicholas Di Genova & Sean McCarthy" Fredericks and Freiser Gallery, New York, NY
Selected Group Exhibitions
2015: "POCKET", Galerie Dukan, Leipzig, Germany
2015: "Works with Paper", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2015: "New Contemporary", TAC Art/Work Gallery, Toronto, ON
2015: "Kunstsärk", Tallinn Art Space, Tallinn, Estonia
2015: "Drawings", Galerie Dukan, Paris, France
2014: "Beware of the Beast", Narwhal Art Projects, Toronto, ON
2014: "YES, WE COLLECTION!", Galerie du 5éme, Marseille,
2013: "Accumulations", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2012: "Salon Schwarzenberg", Neurotitan Gallery, Berlin
2011: "Hanged + Drawn", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2011: "OK, NOW THE FLOOR IS LAVA!", Rochelle School, London, UK
2011: "LE Sept", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2011: "Printing Talentos de Hoy en Dia", Otrascosas de Villarosàs, Barcelona, Spain
2010: "The Maker", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2010: "The Dazzle", Narwhal Gallery, Toronto, ON
2010: "Lush Life", Invisible-Exports Gallery, New York, NY
2010: “Another Disposable Art Show”, 64 McCaul, Toronto, ON
2010: "NeoIntegrity", Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, New York, NY
2009: "Who's Got the Papers", LE Gallery, Toronto, ON
2009: "B-X10", Apetit Gallery, Bilbao, Spain
2009: "Brain Trust", Magic Pony Gallery, Toronto, ON
1183 Dundas St. W.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Director: Wil Kucey
Gallery Manager: Vinna Ly